- High Capacity: Main cabinet holds 400+ commonly dispensed SKUs in a compact footprint.
- Customizable Storage: Accommodates almost any medication and supply packaging size from unit dose to bulk.
- Intuitive: Pick-to-light guidance and workflow customization.
- Advanced Security: Guarded access to controlled or high-value stock with configurable locking CAMs (controlled access modules).
- Complete Tracking: Records all interactions from login to logout, with full “track & trace” features.
- Full Reporting: Cloud-based with full detailed data for inventory, access, billing, discrepancies, pharmacy system integration.
NexsysADC™ Automated Dispensing Cabinet (Full Size)
NexsysADC is the most flexible automated dispensing cabinet system for efficient management of e-kits, controlled medication doses, and high-value supplies. The NexsysADC Main Cabinet is designed for various care settings, offering secure, scalable, and space-efficient medication management solutions. Ideal for long-term care facilities and acute care environments like ambulatory surgery centers, EMS, and urgent care, the NexsysADC ensures timely access to needed medication doses, essential to rapid patient response.
The Main Cabinet safeguards 400+ SKUs. Replacing inefficient storage practices like e-kit tackle boxes, safes or locked closets, NexsysADC provides advanced security and tracking, ensuring accurate inventory and user accountability.
With NexsysADC in your med room, your facility’s medication security heightens: caregivers can quickly access the precise dose they need for prompt patient care, and pharmacy and management always have visibility to what’s inside, who has access, and what was dispensed for each patient or procedure. With the NexsysADC Main Cabinet protecting your inventory, medication security and patient safety are assured.
- Essential On-Time Care: Access to 1st/Stat doses and controlled medications when needed for prompt administration.
- Enhanced Security: Tamper-evidence technology and cloud-based monitoring eliminate manual storage and log books, ensures regulatory compliance.
- Essential Track & Trace: Full inventory and interaction data tracked via cloud-based monitoring.
- Customizable Workflow Prompts: Adaptable for any care setting’s needs and the caregivers’ workflow.
- Cost-Effective: Approx. 40% less expensive than alternative Automated Dispensing Cabinets.
Video Overview
More About This Item
Long-Term Care Pharmacies and Facilities
- The only automated dispensing system designed for LTC
- Configurable security for e-kits, Stat doses, controlled medication doses
- Reduce costs associated with couriers, 24-hour pharmacies
- Cloud-based system, inventory, and activity visible to pharmacy and nursing management 24/7
Surgery Centers
- Ambulatory Surgery Center, Dental Surgery, Ocular/Ophthalmic Specialists, etc.
- For any surgery center storing controlled or expensive medication doses (e.g., fentanyl) and high-value supplies (e.g., dermal fillers)
- Replace manual methods like locked safes and paper logs
- Protection from diversion and DEA audits
Simulation Labs and Nursing Education
- User-friendly system for preparing nursing students about secure medication storage & access
- Practically sized and priced for real-world simulation of automated dispensing cabinet usage (ADCs)
- Streamlined workflow, simple-to-follow interface to facilitate learning and instruction
- Learn the latest procedures for dispensing unit dose medications for patients in hospital and LTC settings
Emergency Medical Services
- Address compliance with the DEA’s DSCSA regulations
- Securely track inventory, ordering history, and access to controlled medication doses (e.g., fentanyl, morphine)
- Exclusive: EMS-focused workflow software
- Tight physical security with e-logs
- For veterinary hospitals/clinics storing controlled or expensive medications (e.g., euthasol)
- Configurable secure CAMs for storing unit doses and larger stock bottles
- Replace manual methods like locked safes and paper logs
- Protection from diversion and DEA audits
Behavioral Health
- For facilities storing controlled or expensive medications (e.g., suboxone, methadone)
- Address medication security in environments with elevated stress levels and high caseloads
- Important addition to monitoring patient medication adherence
- Replace manual methods like locked safes and paper logs
- Cabinet size 43″(h) 24″(d) 25″(w) / 109(h) 61(d) 65(w)cm; Work surface height 43″; Top of monitor height 67″ maximum
- Adjustable 22″ touchscreen monitor & integrated keyboard
- Weight 145 lbs. empty; up to 350 lbs. loaded
- Capacity up to 400 SKUs (highly configurable)
- Windows 10 embedded (IOT) operating system
- Cloud-based
- Power: Requires standard dedicated universal outlet; Built-in uninterrupted power supply
- UL tested & approved
- ISO 27001:2013 certified for cyber security and HIPAA compliance
- Also available for larger formularies: NexsysADC Main Cabinet
- Add External Lock Modules or Auxiliary Cabinets to expand storage, click here

A NexsysADC main cabinet contains 10 tiers, to be configured with any combination of Controlled Access Modules (CAMs), medication bins, and supply drawers.
- CAMs (Controlled Access Module) are available in 3″ depths for unit doses or small items; 6″ and 10″ depths for IV, stock bottles, larger controlled med packages
- 3″ CAM is preconfigured for up to 25 SKUs; 12 configurations available
- 6″ and 10″ CAM Drawers are self-configurable for 3 to 12 SKUs per CAM
- CAM size 16.25″w x 13.375″d
- 1×1 cell 2.76″w x 2.37″d
- 1×2 cell 5.78″w x 2.37″d
- 2×2 cell 5.78″w x 4.86″d
- Open cell medication bins for routine meds: 2-Tier and 3-Tier
- Each bin can be adjusted for 1 to 14 locations. These medications are also tracked.
- 2-tier (6 individual bins): 18″w x 16″d x 6.5″h, 15 lbs
- 3-tier (9 individual bins): 18″w x 16″d x 9.75″h, 21.5 lbs
- Single cassette bin: 5.25″w x 11.5″d x 2.5″h
- Positions per bin: Can contain up to 14 positions per bin. Positions can be combined by removing dividers.
- Supply drawers: Available in 3″, 6″ or 9″ depth
- Each drawer can be adjusted for 1 to 24 positions
- 3″ drawer: 17″w x 14.75″d x 3″h
- 6″ drawer: 17″w x 14.75″d x 6.5″h
- 10″ drawer: 17″w x 14.75″d x 9.75″h

For streamlined ordering, 3 popular preconfigurations are available for the NexsysADC Main Cabinet.
One 3″ CAM (Part # NX-MAINBDL-1)
- 3″ CAM with 11 locking cells
- 2 Three-tier open cell medication bins (configurable)
- 3″ and 6″ supply drawers
- Holds up to approx. 450 SKUs
Two 3″ CAM (Part # NX-MAINBDL-2)
- 3″ CAM with 11 locking cells
- 3″ CAM with 13 locking cells
- 2 Three-tier open cell medication bins (configurable)
- 6″ supply drawer
- Holds up to approx. 400 SKUs
One 3″ CAM, One 6″ CAM Drawer (Part # NX-MAINBDL-3)
- 3″ CAM with 11 locking cells
- 6″ CAM Drawer, configurable for up to 12 locking cells
- 2 Three-tier open cell medication bins (configurable)
- Holds up to approx. 400 SKUs