Capsa Healthcare’s KL108 secure vial-filling robot is a breakthrough dispensing innovation. The KL108, part of our Kirby Lester line of pharmacy automation, efficiently manages the filling of your pharmacy’s most common tablets and capsules via newly designed universal cassettes that require no technician calibration. Thus, there is virtually no chance for human error when changing the medication in the cassette. With 108 high-moving tablets or capsules stored in locked cassettes, your pharmacy can completely automate 50-60% or more of your daily prescriptions. Your staff is freed up to focus on value-added activity like customer service, Star ratings, and MTM. The KL108 is ideal for busy pharmacies that demand precision, flexibility, accountability and security. If your pharmacy experienced frustration with older robotic fillers that required regular recalibration of hand-adjusted cassettes/miscounts/dropped pills, the KL108 design is sure to impress.